Sunday 16 June 2013

We enjoyed our trip to Maeshowe, Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar.  At the Ring of Brodgar we met up with the Historic Scotland Ranger and she played some games with us.

Running around the Ring of Brodgar.
We ran around the Ring of Brodgar.

We counted all the stones at the Ring Of Brodgar.

We got to look around the model house at Skara Brae.

When we were in the model house at Skara Brae we thought about the difference between our houses now and a Skara Brae house.  We thought the houses at Skara Brae were much darker, smaller and quieter than our houses today.

We sat around the fire place in the model house.  We put sheep skin and deer skin rugs on the ground to sit on.

We learned that the sea is much closer to the village now than it would have been 5000 years ago.

We spotted all the features of the houses that we have been learning about in school!

We listened well as we were given a tour around Skara Brae. 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

The boys and girls all had lots of fun on Sports Day.  They were all really sporting and had a positive attitude that they should be extremely proud of.  Well done everyone!
The sack race!
The flat race on Sports Day!

We played lots of fun parachute games on the morning of Sports Day.

Some of us did the Usain Bolt Lightning Bolt after our two laps of the track!

We paced ourselves well and were all really determined about completing two whole laps of the track!

We ran 2 laps of the track!

We practiced our rugby skills on Sports Day morning.

Potted Sports

Potted Sports

Javelin during potted sports activities on Sports Day.

Saturday 1 June 2013

We have been busy being book detectives.  We worked in groups to read a fiction book.  Then we took on different roles.  Some of us had the job of Summariser (creating a summary or synopsis of the story), some of us were Illustrators (creating and drawing a picture that would give a clear idea of what the main theme of the story was) and some of us were word finders (we looked for interesting and unfamilar words in the story and used a dictionary to find and record their meanings).  We all did a great job!

We worked well together to complete our book detective tasks.

Busy with our book detective work.


We have been busy being book detectives this week.
We read information about the food the villagers at Skara Brae would have eaten.  We then used this information to help us create posters.

We discussed what we wanted to do on our posters.

We took our time with the presentation of our posters.

We made the headings on our posters about Skara Brae big and colourful.
We have been having a little practice of the three legged race for Sports Day! 

Sunday 26 May 2013

We had a visit from a Historic Scotland Ranger.  She brought in a box full of replica artefacts of things found at Skara Brae.  We had to be archaeologists and look at the items and discuss in groups what we thought the objects were used for and what they were made from.  We worked out that the artefact in this picture was made from bone and would probably have been used as a hook for catching fish.

We looked at all the artefacts and discussed what we thought they might be for and what they might have been made from.

Some of the artefacts we looked at were tools made by the early settlers in Orkney!

The Historic Scotland Ranger brought clay so we could make pots like the ones found at Skara Brae!
We tried to make pots like the ones found in Skara Brae!

Making pots like the early settlers did!

Friday 26 April 2013

We all really enjoyed our trip to Binscarth Woods.  We looked for wild flowers, made dens for toy animals, saw bird's nests, heard wrens singing to each other, looked at different kinds of trees and took bark rubbings.

We found a millipede in Binscarth Woods.  We called her Milly and made sure that we put her back where we found her.

The children had fun making dens for small toy animals.  They had to think about what they could use from the woods that would make a good shelter.

The children used different sized branches to make little dens for toy animals.

The children used moss and ferns to make a little den.

The children made little dens.

We found Fewer Flowered Garlic.

Binscarth Woods

Sunday 17 March 2013

Class 3 enjoyed helping to raise money for Red Nose Day!

We have been busy in the greenhouse planting lots of different seeds.